Friday, June 7, 2013

Letter of the Week - D is for...


Books that we read and liked:

We are also currently reading Doctor Dolittle in Munchkin's school and Ditto is (surprisingly) sitting through and enjoying every page!

Books that we read and liked:
 Superdog: The Heart of a Hero (I found this one randomly at the library and in addition to it being about a dog, the dog's name was Dex...perfect!)
Harry the Dirty Dog
Harry and the Lady Next Door (I had Munchkin read this one to Ditto. Such an adorable moment...wish I'd caught it on camera.)
Detective Dog and the Disappearing Doughnuts
If You Give a Dog a Donut

Activities/Arts & Crafts:
I love his concentration face (pokey lips)!
He enjoyed this dog more than I thought he would've.
He especially enjoyed making it longer and then shorter.

So cute...
...and so happy!
He then made this dog by painting a paper plate (orange was his color of choice), filling it with beans and stapling it closed, then taping on the body parts.
 In the morning, we read these books while eating donuts for our morning snack.
Then Ditto chose this activity from his shelf. It was a simple Kumon Cut and Paste activity but he created even more cutting and pasting practice for himself...(and even some writing practice).
He was simply supposed to cut out the mouth at the bottom of the page and glue it on to the dog's face...

The finished product!
And then he decided he wanted to write the word "dog" all by sweet!

Letter Craft: 


I am including this picture to show that I let Ditto decide how he would like his letter crafts to be and to do them all by himself. When I came up with this, I imagined the feet being much closer together and the feathers being here (I took this picture when he wasn't looking). But Ditto, as usual, had something different (and I think so much more him) in mind...
The final product! I also thought that he would want to use the googly eye I provided but he wanted the marker and to draw on a that's just what he did! I love it!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sonlight Core A - Week 24 Day 5

Since there are no extra activities provided for the Under the Sea book assigned to be read on day 5, if possible, I come up with an arts and craft for the boys to do (related to whatever they are learning).  Today, we read about jellyfish (and flatfish but I couldn't find anything to do for that) so we made some jellyfish.
Ditto is always looking to see how brother does things (although, at least this time he chose a different color)

I love the his face when he is concentrating!
Munchkin refused to smile in the picture because he said jellyfish don't smile...such my serious child.
Update 6/1/2013: They are still playing with these everyday. They love to run around and make the legs wave behind them.  Fun project!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Interactive Bible Book - The Creation Day 6

For today, we worked on making a spiral snake (Satan).  Although I do not want my children focusing on Satan in the story of the creation, I knew they would really enjoy this craft...
This is Ditto's...this pattern came from one of my new favorite websites - Danielle's Place
and this is Munchkin's's hard to see on Ditto's but the step I did not take pictures of was the boys adding scales by painting bubble wrap and pressing it on the pattern.
and here's what it looks like flat...Munchkin's final product.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Sonlight Core A - Week 24 Day 4

Munchkin is always so sweet about letting Ditto help with his science work.

All of the projects are ready to be observed (the cucumber has actually already started expressing water).

Sonlight Core A - Week 24 Day 3

A failed science experiment...
...the balloon didn't contract in the cold water...
...and the balloon didn't expand in the hot water.
Despite the experiment not going as planned, the boys enjoyed themselves anyway...THEY LOVE SCIENCE!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Letter of the Week - B is for...


He always very careful about putting the lids back on the dot markers so they "don't dry out". (also, great fine motor practice)
He enjoyed looking at the creations the children on the dot marker box made.
At times he was more interested in dotting the paper than the boomerang...and that's okay!
Making sure to apply lots of pressure...
...and to shake really hard so that the ink comes out of the markers the best!
 And Ditto also practiced writing his letters. He loves these cards. And we always read these books to go along with our letter (unfortunately, we don't own these...we just check them out from the library.)