Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sonlight K - Week 5 Day 2

We had a great school day today!  Among many other things, we went continued our journey through Sweden and learned more about the Vikings.  Today we learned about the clothes the Vikings wore.  Munchkin worked hard going around the house to collect what things he could to make himself a Viking costume...
Munchkin has all the necessary supplies: sword, axe, belt with buckle, wraps around legs, "pretend leather shoes", and cape. And a mean face (even though "he is a happy and nice Viking").
For our Saxon Math lesson today, I used some of our Montessori materials to help Munchkin gain a more thorough understanding of some math concepts.
We used the Short Bead Stair to begin to recognize quantities using colors (this will come in handy in future, more difficult math presentations)
Then he wanted to complete a worksheet to show off his skills (within two presentations he had memorized all of the colors and their corresponding quantities without looking)
Afterwards, we worked on a non-mathematics related activity (even though this is in his Saxon Math 1 Meeting Book)...
Here he is drawing a picture of a Fall tree (from memory)
His completed page. He decided to write a sentence about what a Fall tree means to him - "The Leevs chanj culer (the leaves change color).
Then we did a little bit of seasonal picture math (addition and subtraction) using leaf table scatter I bought at Target last year.

He loved it and was very good at it!
I also did a mirrored example on our whiteboard.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you used the Montessori Materials with the Saxon math lesson. My kids and I are about to have a quick lesson on Vikings(at least that is what they tell me:) it is very inspiring to see that this is a subject that you can still have fun with.
